How to use

Connecting to Our Application

To use our application, you'll need to connect using a cryptocurrency wallet. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up and connecting your wallet.

1. Choose a Wallet

We support several wallet options:

  • MetaMask (browser extension and mobile app)

  • Coinbase Wallet (browser extension and mobile app)

  • Other Ethereum-compatible wallets

This guide will focus on MetaMask and Coinbase Wallet as examples.

2. Install a Wallet

Browser Extension:

  1. Open your preferred browser (Chrome, Firefox, Brave, or Edge).

  2. Search for "MetaMask extension" or "Coinbase Wallet extension" in your browser's web store.

  3. Click "Add to [Browser Name]" or "Install."

  4. Follow the prompts to add the extension to your browser.

Mobile App:

  1. Open your device's app store (App Store for iOS or Google Play Store for Android).

  2. Search for "MetaMask" or "Coinbase Wallet."

  3. Tap "Install" or "Get."

  4. Wait for the app to download and install.

3. Set Up Your Wallet

  1. Open the wallet extension or app.

  2. Click "Create a new wallet" if you're new, or "Import wallet" if you have an existing one.

  3. If creating a new wallet:

    • Create a strong password.

    • You'll be shown a 12-word seed phrase. This is crucial for recovering your wallet.

    • Write down your seed phrase on paper and store it securely offline. Never share it with anyone.

    • Confirm your seed phrase by entering the words in the correct order.

  4. If importing a wallet:

    • Enter your existing 12-word seed phrase.

    • Create a new password for this instance of your wallet.

4. Secure Your Wallet

  • Enable two-factor authentication if available.

  • Consider using a hardware wallet for additional security.

  • Never share your private keys or seed phrase with anyone.

  • Be cautious of phishing attempts and only interact with official websites and apps.

5. Connect to Our App

  1. Navigate to our App's website:

  2. Look for a "Connect Wallet" or similar button.

  3. Click the button and select your wallet from the list of options.

  4. Your wallet will prompt you to approve the connection. Review the permissions and click "Connect" or "Approve."

  5. You may need to switch to the correct network (e.g. Arbitrum Mainnet/Sepolia, Optimism Mainnet/Sepolia, or Base Mainnet/Sepolia). Follow any prompts to add or switch networks.

*Keep in mind we are in the Beta phase of LayerMarket, so use Sepolia (guide to learn how to add custom networks such as Arbitrum Sepolia).

6. Using the Mobile App Browser

If you're using a mobile wallet app:

  1. Open the MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet app.

  2. Tap the browser icon within the app.

  3. Enter our app's URL in the browser's address bar.

  4. Follow steps 2-5 from the previous section to connect.

7. Disconnecting Your Wallet

To disconnect your wallet:

  1. Find the wallet address or icon on our app's interface.

  2. Click on it and look for a "Disconnect" or "Log out" option.

  3. Confirm the disconnection when prompted.

Remember to always disconnect your wallet when you're done using the app, especially on shared or public devices.

By following these steps, you'll be able to securely connect your wallet to our app and start using its features. If you encounter any issues or have questions, please contact our support team.

Last updated